Execution of Brick and Plaster in Behkish Marina Residential Tower
Execution of Brick and Plaster in Behkish Marina Residential Tower

In this project, three-sided closed Likka blocks were used for brickwork, which have prominent features such as low weight, high speed of action, excellent sound, heat, and moisture insulation, fire resistance, and a uniform surface suitable for plastering. It is also worth noting the usage of ready-made Likka mortar, which has excellent compatibility with weather conditions and Likka blocks, as well as great ductility and adhesion capabilities.
Moreover, these blocks have desirable resistance to the loads imposed on the walls. The low elastic modulus of these blocks, as filling components in earthquake-prone areas, increases the oscillation period of the building and reduces seismic force on the building. This is a very appropriate choice in current earthquake-prone areas.
To reinforce the walls, we used one reinforcing element called reinforcement bar bed base with a width 3cm smaller than the width of the block in every three rows of blocks. These reinforcement bar beds are connected to non-structural elements of the wall post by a hook and a clamp, and the hook or branch that engages with it will have an overlapping connection with the reinforcement bar bed base.